Website for Namsac Solar Energy

Client Name

Mr. & Mrs Ewuzie (Namsac Global Investment Services Nigeria Ltd.)

Project Overview

Namsac is a leading provider of solar energy solutions, which offer a comprehensive range of top-quality solar panels, inverters, and related products, backed by professional installation services.

The main objective of this project was to develope a user-friendly, responsive, interactive and visually appealing website, The website should enable users view the wide-range of products currently available in stock, highlight the services offered by namsac and should present detailed description of solar energy solutions for homeowners and business owners offered by the company

Other key features include:

  • Product Catalogue
  • Knowledge Center (Blog System)
  • On-site contact us form
  • Implementation of Google Maps on the about us page


3 Weeks

My Roles

  • Front-end Developer
  • Graphics Designer
  • Content Creator

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Wordpress

Key Features

Contact form

The contact form enables the client to get feedback from valued customers. It takes a users name, email and a message, the submitted information is sent directly to the administrator's email.

Product Catalogue

The product catalogue displays all products currently available.

Knowledge Center

The knowledge Center is a compilation of informative blog posts by vetted solar proffesionals, It provides insights, statistics and trivia about all things solar energy.