MyTopMovies Web Application

Client Name

Personal Project

Project Overview

MyTopMovies is a movie ranking web application. It uses TMDB API as a database for movies that are added to selections. Users can register accounts to create lists based on different specifications like genre, year etc. and also to create their own selection for any list available on the platform.

The application should enable users to register an account, create lists, create selections for lists and search and add movies from the TMDB database to a selection

Key features include:

  • User registration and account system
  • Querying movies using TMDB api
  • Adding movies to favourites


4 Weeks

My Roles

  • Front-end Developer
  • Back-end Developer

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap
  • ASP.NET Core MVC (C#)
  • MS SQL Server

Key Features

User Accounts

Users can create accounts to enable them to create lists, make selections for lists and add choices to selection, Users can also manage their accounts by changing email and password

List Creation

Users can create list with different category options like year ranges and movie genre

Searching and adding movies

Users can search for movies, this feature uses a http client to make api calls for movie search to the TMBD api